- factiv
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Factiv is a scientific skin care brand from Hong Kong . It is committed to developing efficient skin care formulas with scientific research evidence and focusing on scientific ingredients .
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fact + effective = factiv
We founded factiv with this formula.
We believe that only facts and scientific evidence can be convincing and effective on everyone's skin.
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Hong Kong Scientific Research
factiv Founded in Hong Kong, "Hong Kong R&D" not only explains our origins, but also reflects what this city has nurtured us - careful, meticulous, and striving for excellence.
Adopt rigorous scientific research and development philosophy to bring Hong Kong’s scientific research results to the world
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From half a lab table to a laboratory
factiv The founders all graduated from the Department of Biotechnology. They met in college and formed a team to participate in international innovation and technology competitions.
Then, without wanting to stop, he began to research and create a brand, determined to apply scientific research to the skin and solve skin problems for people, thus creating the current factiv.
From the beginning, we only borrowed half of the professor's experimental desk for research, to now we have our own laboratory in the Science Park, and we are realizing our vision of "Hong Kong Scientific Research" step by step.
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We insist that all products are researched and developed in Hong Kong .
All products are alcohol- free, fragrance- free, and animal testing- free, catering to the needs of different skin types.
- factiv
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Where the recipe was born
factiv The "study" of scientific research includes "research and development" and "research".
Everything happens in our own laboratory at the Hong Kong Science Park - factiv Laboratory.
The creation of every skin care formula must go through repeated testing by our formula team to study the interaction between the ingredients.
Use it to accurately adjust the proportion to achieve the best results on everyone's skin.
In addition to product research and development, we also work tirelessly to research new skin care ingredients and use technology to conduct skin cell experiments and test
The effectiveness of different ingredients, looking for new discoveries from the unknown in the test tube.
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Ingredients are transparent
factiv attaches great importance to product information transparency, so our products are directly named after active ingredients and concentrations. We also list full ingredient lists and scientific research reports on the packaging and website to make the information clear at a glance.
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factiv Everything is people-oriented.
Everyone's skin is unique , so factiv does not differentiate products based on gender or age . Everything is based on the user's skin type. Only by knowing your skin clearly can you choose the best product for you.
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Make sense
Skin care products are not only used on the surface, but also need to be understood deeply.
In an environment where there is an overabundance of information and it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, we want to tell the truth and explain skin science and ingredient principles to the public, hoping to give people rational options and consciously decide for their skin.
- factiv
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Out of the lab
Effective communication needs to be a two-way street, and the same goes for effective skin care formulas.
Therefore, we determined to take product research and development out of the laboratory and close to the community, inviting the public to participate in experiments, and jointly formulating products that are efficient and suitable for user experience, and truly become a user-led skin care brand.